‘’The impulse to travel is one of the hopeful symptoms of life’’
Agnes Repplier
Now that Christmas and the New Year are behind us and 2022 is properly in, we begin to turn our thoughts to the spring, longer days and even to that distant dream of summer. I’m not sure how you are feeling after the previous few years of travel restrictions, but I found it very challenging not having the freedom to get away in a stress free and simple manner, and I don’t think I am alone with that feeling either. There are some that managed to slip in a little getaway, but with PCR tests, isolation, locator forms and all the many hoops that they had to jump through it hardly seemed worth it. My dear Mum managed to get here from the UK a couple of times over 2021 and it was wonderful to see her. However, the stresses she went through to be able to achieve those precious family trips were awful to witness. That stress really DOES NOT ignite an impulse to travel!
My roots where I live are strong and I am fortunate enough to live in a simply divine part of the World. In fact Alet les Bains is a holiday destination in its own right and it feels safe here. I have a deep sense of gratitude for the clean air, sunshine, trees, blue skies, babbling river and the steep mountains that surround our home.
In 2020 we were told to stay at home to protect others, to protect our doctors and nurses. We did, and quite happily so. It was after all, the least we could do. It was a time to cocoon, to look inside, for me it was a great opportunity to spend time with my teenage children and my husband.
Projects were started and completed. We cleared out cupboards, tidied, de-cluttered, grew vegetables, made cakes, got a puppy (that is a whole blog of its own!), painted, put a swimming pool in the garden (and another story to be told), walked, slept and many other things, but it’s enough now, the impulse (one might even call it an instinct) I have to travel is so strong, I believe it is not only a hopeful symptom of life, but also hopeful symbol that the worst of the last few years is behind us. If we are starting to feel ready to travel again and to step out of our protected havens then perhaps it really is safe to start travelling again and trusting again.
My wings are twitching and so ready to be stretched, so where to? Perhaps the chance to finally go on that family holiday you had booked for 2020, or to fly the other side of the World to see some family you haven’t seen for 2 years. You may just want to get away to simply sit on a sunny square sipping chilled rose and eat something different. Alternatively you may have that special place where you always go to, but haven’t been able to get to. That place which makes your heart sing and allows you to just a be. Of course it could be a new adventure, a new country or an area that you have never been to, but have desired to travel to for a long time. For me, firstly, I want to get myself back to the UK to see my sister and Dad, I have missed them so much and even with the wonders of modern technology it still does not replace the face to face contact and a hug. And after seeing them who knows, I know for sure that it will be with our 4 children and it will involve sunshine, good food and splash or two of wine. So wherever your impulse takes you may your travels be fulfilling and joyous.
Bon Camino.